Grows just as well in the sun

Shade Plus+ Premium Soft Leaf Buffalo grass is suitable for full sun to 60% shade with normal to high wear and up to 70% shade with low wear.

Shade Tolerance

Best Soft Leaf Buffalo in shade. Good forup to 60% shade. Often works in 70%, butwith reduced quality.

Winter Colour

Similar to other good Soft Leaf Buffalo types. Excellent winter colour in Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Adelaide and Melbourne (provided it is fertilised in April). It will go dormant in colder areas such Canberra, but will hold its winter colour longer than most varieties.

Hot Weather Tolerance

Excellent tolerance. It thrives in hot, humid and desert areas.

Cold Tolerance

Tested down to -10°C in Canberra.

Recovery from Wear

Excellent, as it has fast growing runners.

Mowing Height and Frequency

From 35 to 45mm in full sun, 50 to 60mm in shade. Less mowing than Couch and Kikuyu similar to most other Buffalo types.

Root Structure

Deep rooted.


Newly installed Shade Plus+ Premium Soft Leaf Buffalo has important watering needs. Proper watering immediately after installation will ensure the grass becomes established, and it will also have an impact on how
well it continues to flourish for years to come.

  • Begin watering new grass within half an hour after it has been laid on the soil.
  • Make absolutely certain that water is getting to all areas of your new grass, regardless of the type of sprinkler system. Corners and edges are easily missed by many sprinklers (if windy) and are vulnerable to drying out faster than the centre portion. Also, areas near buildings dry out faster because of reflected heat and may need more water.
  • Water grass as early in the morning as possible to take advantage of the daily start of the grass’ normal growing cycle, generally lower wind speeds and considerably less water loss because of high temperature evaporation.
  • If the temperature approaches 37°C, or high winds are constant for more than half of the day, reduce the temperature of the Shade Plus+ Premium grass surface by lightly sprinkling the area with water. This sprinkling does not replace the need for longer, deeper watering, whichwill become even more critical during adverse weather conditions.

Fertilising Tips

  • Shade Plus+ Premium grass needs to be fed to remain strong and healthy.
  • Use a complete fertiliser in early April and early September.
  • At other times of the year use a slow release fertiliser. If you need a quick green-up, use a fertiliser high in nitrogen to promote lush green grass.